Become a Safety Chick/Dude!

Become a member of  the SafetyChick Community… Living with Strength, Courage and Common Sense is our Mantra! Caring about your Personal Safety is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. Random acts of violence are slim to none, if you make SMART personal safety choices.

Take the time to educate yourself, your family and your friends on how to stay safe from crime. Use this website as a sounding board…ask questions, share stories, interact! No matter what age, race, size, shape you are, we are all the same-Women…and women are the #1 victims of crime. So let’s work together, you and me and make one less target out there! Remember: A Safety Chick ALWAYS has her sister’s back…and by the way, men need to care about their safety just a much as women. They too are victims of assault, home invasion, identity theft, robbery, etc.

Encourage your husband, boyfriend, dad, son–all the men in your life to become Safety Dudes. Everyone should care about their personal safety. It translates into every aspect of your life. It allows you to live more confident and empowered, not weak and in fear. There is no greater feeling than living with STRENGTH, COURAGE and COMMON SENSE!